How Christians should respond to the coronavirus pandemic



With thousands of deaths recorded, governments are beginning to take drastic measures by imposing travel bans, mass quarantines, compulsory school closures, suspension of sporting events; while individuals, on the other hand, have begun practicing social distancing. There’s also the pressing question of “how should a Christian respond to coronavirus?”

When the initial case of coronavirus aka Covid-19 was first discovered in China last year, the world probably thought that it was an issue that would quickly blow over. However, as nations of the world began to see the rapid spread of the virus amongst thousands of people, it dawned on everyone that the virus should be taken seriously.

COVID-19 has gained way too much popularity; all you hear on the radio and tv stations are reports of the virus spread in different parts of the world and its adverse effects on the economies of countries as well as the health and social well-being of individuals

People are gripped with fear, businesses are shutting down and running at a loss; staff members of some organizations are being laid off…Things fall apart, the center really can not hold. 

In a bid to make sense of the pandemic, the loss, the deaths, people are even speculating that this might indeed be the end of the world…

The spread of the virus has greatly impacted the church seeing as church gatherings can no longer hold. I myself have had to watch online services aired over the internet within the walls of my living room because cities are on a lockdown. 

The enemy is using this pandemic as a serious distraction and he has sorta succeeded in creating fear amongst a great number of people; sadly even amongst Christians who should be courageous and filled with hope in Christ Jesus.

Here are the ways believers ought to respond to the coronavirus:


With wisdom and caution

It’s important that we keep ourselves informed on the incidences of the virus spread around the world as well as resulting government policies and medical directives. We must do well to take necessary precautions and maintain hygienic and healthy lifestyles. 

Proverbs 4:7 says “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Ecclesiastes 10:10 also says wisdom is profitable to direct.

Rather than listen to untrue stories and information spread through word of mouth or through social media; seek out facts from reliable sources. The World Health Organization has ample resources on the virus and how to stay safe in spite of the rapid spread.

According to UNICEF, these are the practical ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub

  • Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing

  • Avoid close contact with anyone who has a cold or flu-like symptoms

  • If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early


With faith 

The direct opposite of faith is fear and if there’s anyone who should be living in fear of catching the virus it should not be Christians. I’ve witnessed even Christians adopt measures that seem unnecessary and quite extreme, all because of their fear of contracting the virus. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Philippians 4:6 also exhorts us to not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our requests be made known unto God.

Christians must respond to the coronavirus pandemic with the attitude of faith. We should go about our normal lives without fear while taking necessary precautions. 

We should be instruments of peace and faith in this season; reassuring people that all will be well rather than spreading false information that heightens people’s worries and fears.

We must also be careful not to exalt COVID-19 above God. After all, our God is greater than any disease, virus or plague.

The bible says that the Just shall live by Faith; this is a time when our faith must triumph in this atmosphere of overwhelming worry, panic, and fear.


With Love and Compassion for others

It’s easy to become self-absorbed in this season, hoarding household and food items, caring only for your self and family members. However, it is God’s desire for us to care deeply for others, have compassion and reach out to people. 

It is at such a time as this that Christians must stand in the gap for the nations of the world, and pray that God gives wisdom to governments and health professionals. 

God wants Christians to respond to the coronavirus pandemic with a heart of compassion, we should continually intercede for individuals who have been infected with the virus as well as their family members and loved ones. 

While social distancing has been prescribed; let’s still endeavour to reach out to people. There are already so many people who are sinking in depression because they feel isolated. Yes, we should avoid meetings of large groups of people but don’t hesitate to put phone calls through to family members, friends, work colleagues, church members and people especially those who live alone.

Individuals aged over 50 are said to be at higher risk of contracting the virus; so if you have elderly neighbors, reach out to them to make sure they are doing ok. You can also offer to run shopping errands for them so that they can also stock up on groceries and household items while staying safe at home.

Ultimately, let us not be overly fixated on the pandemic or give in to hysteria and fear. Let us keep our eyes fixed on our savior; Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace while exalting him above the pandemic. We gain nothing from living in fear and paranoia; only the enemy does… and what kind of christians would we be if we give up the good fight of faith and let the enemy triumph?


Continue to stay safe under the shadow of God’s wings.

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4 years ago

Thanks for highlighting these important points. let’s also remember to intercede for the victims and pray for the world at large 🙏🏽 🌍